RestAndroid is a network tool for testing HTTP / Socket / MQTT protocol.1) RestAndroid provides the following basic functions.- Send HTTP Request (POST/GET/PUT/DELETE) with headers, queries and requestbody. Response data is be displayed with response code , estimated timestamp and response contents.- Make TCP Socket connection and send data with heath check functionality. Request and response data can be displayed as Hex / ASCII format.- Make MQTT connection , subscribe topics and publish a topic with payloads.2) RestAndroid is a Convenitent Testing Tool.- All sending data will remain as history. History contains all request and response data that is communicated with backend servers. - Using history, users are able to send the request again without typing it again.- The Collection function manages API items that is imported from the histories. Using Collection, all types of protocols (HTTP/Socket/MQTT) are tested altogther.- The Report function provides collection testing result so as to check how many testing items are successful or failed with fail reasons.- Setting function provides App Theme changes ( 4 kinds of material themes) and protocol settings such as Proxy setting, timeout setting for Restful API and keepalive setting, SoTimeout setting for TCP Socket.